Mona +10

Mona opened ten years ago. That matters, because I have ten fingers and you, very likely, have ten fingers, so we count in tens. Our tenth anniversary—that’s a big thing to us decimal creatures, and it’s been made a bigger thing due to COVID-19. We’ve been forced to pause—we are thinking about the last ten years and the next ten years. The world won’t be the same, so Mona shouldn’t be the same. How it changes depends on how the world changes. Ten years ago, we were all dressed up, with no place to go. Now we are naked, wondering what to wear, so it’s a little embarrassing that everybody is watching. But for Mona, any future fits. We’ve made such a mess inside the museum it won’t be before October, but we’ll be back with bells (and lights) on.

—David Walsh, June 2020


Read more from David >


Before then, head to Faro to sample the results of our experimenting.