I don't know much

David Walsh | Posted on December 17, 2012

I don’t know a lot about permaculture, but I know that the reason it works is that it increases the number of interactions between the species in a given plot. This makes the system less prone to disruption by an impactor on any given species and thus the system is more robust. This resilience is in stark contrast to the many ‘single points of failure’ that a monoculture has.

In fact, a permaculture is better than merely robust, it is antifragile. Robust systems are impervious to impactors; antifragile systems actually improve when perturbed. We design very little of our world to be antifragile. We should do that more, at least if a new text by Nassim Taleb has any merit. And it does.

Some years ago my formerly sick friend Martin told me about permaculture, and he made the observation that such a system improved on robustness. He had an inkling of antifragility. I mostly missed the point at the time. Sorry, Martin. I gave you credit, but not enough.

Martin is my ‘formerly sick friend’ because he is dead, as of last night. Bugger. But not really bugger because dead is not really that much worse than dying, when dying is a process ‘undertaken’ as a result of the terrible intervention of a tumour (are there any nice interventions by tumours?). The bugger was the diagnosis, not the dying. Nevertheless, I shed a tear. And am seeking consolation in these words.

Many years ago, but not so long at all really, Martin and I had an argument. It concerned who should get credit for a particularly clever way of grouping a list of trifectas into boxes, a faster but less precise way to take them. I gave Martin credit, but not enough.

A few months later, in June 1991, I was at Caulfield Racecourse, filling in for my brother, Tim. Betting on the last race of the day, I ran out of time. I used the box trifecta algorithm and put on only one bet, a box of seven horses. That probably means nothing to you but, in the event, I won $19,000.

Later, I told Tim of our win (he had a share). He quipped, ‘I am dying within my means.’ This was three months before his cancer mediated death. That’s why I know the date.

Martin and Tim you may not know. But a small part of these things that I can share, Mona and these thoughts, I can share because they lived. Because an idea is not held in the dominion of one, but many.


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lyn | December 17, 2012 at 04:35 pm


lyn | December 17, 2012 at 04:36 pm


Tony Kearney | December 17, 2012 at 04:59 pm

A more than fitting tribute to your friend Martin

Andrew Garton | December 17, 2012 at 09:44 pm

"Because an idea is not held in the dominion of one, but many." We seem to have lost this is a core value too... however, it ought be said often and more often than not.

carmencita | January 9, 2013 at 11:14 am

Mona (as whole) seems to be a permaculture ground... aiming to ensure long term survival...of ideas...

San Walsh | January 5, 2013 at 10:56 pm

Maybe Martin, your friend was your bodhisattva?

painteknight | December 25, 2012 at 11:56 pm

Thank you for sharing.

Sophie Kavanagh | January 30, 2014 at 04:27 pm

What a wonderful tribute to a former lover, I know how close to him you were David, wonderful warm kind words.
